About Us

Tired of mediocre morals, fitness, training and faiths, I struggled to find the best way to incorporate all of my passions into one project. While in Church sermon about finding what we are called for do for the Lord it hit me. I could use my passion for firefighting to spread the gospel at the same time.

I believe everyone that serves their community, their country, or their family is Called to Serve by God. It is the purpose we were put on this earth. That's where the name was born.

While my vision for Called to Serve doesn't stop at apparel, it is the first step on a journey to spread the gospel. There are plenty of cringworthy shirts that do nothing but inflate the ego of the bearer to go around. CTS strives to create everyday wear that not only looks and feels good, but also may strike a conversation and an opportunity to spread the good news.

With the growth of the Called to Serve Collective, I hope to one day offer trainings / seminars different from others available. Incorporating The Gospel and Leadership training into physical and hands on training. With hopes of not only leaving with skills for the job, but also skills on being a better leader, partner, parent or friend.